Saturday, 10 August 2013

firstday blogging

hi , 

Today is my firstday blogging.

Enjoy following mine,

Currently typing an entry at such odd hour...slept for a while and then I just couldn’t sleep anymore. Guess I have a lot of things going through my head these days, influencing me mentally, emotionally and physically.

I feel like I’m going through some life crisis but I do not want to admit that I’m in it. I worried about my career path, my life and my future. Everything now seems so bleak. I guess I’m slowly learning the hard way of growing up. It’s kind of hard to get thru all these.

I guess some could tell that something’s up with me. But as usual,being the person that I am, I always try to hide it. I was never the serious one. I’m always taking things as it goes, always laughing and not botheredabout anything. But as you grow older, your responsibility grows bigger andyou have to start growing up. Guess it’s time for me to start step at a time and in hopes that I will have some guide to lead me the way.

At times I will sit in my own little world, wondering what the futureholds for me. But at this point now, all I see is just plain blur. The world is changing, people are changing, I’m not 12 anymore and I do know what responsibilities I have to bear.

I know I’m not perfect. Nobody is...I’m juggling all these things together while trying to hold myself together. I may look like I’m not taking things seriously or not able to sit down and think it thoroughly but I do...maybe it’s just the way howI take things that make people think I’m not being serious. I’m always willing to learn to become a better and more responsible person. I admit, I’m stubborn and naive and always reverting to my old self, butI can’t change overnight. I’m taking small baby steps to grow and learn..we never stop learning as we grow. There are always new things outthere that you do not dad once said to me, "I know my faultsand it’s hard for me to change, but I’m doing my best to change it and you have to bear with me. I know I’m not perfect, nobody is. If anyone is perfect, they would be a God.

"Hey, who said life was easy?"

atif ousman

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