Saturday, 10 August 2013

Maaf Zahir & Batin

Selamat Hari Raya.

if I make any mistake please forgive me,

this is a festival
Malaysian call it 
hari raya aidil fitri )

basic wifi hacking for (WEP)


 now i'm gonna teach u how to hack wifi basically (WEP) based security
and the name of the wifi start from number 0.

thease r the step...

1.u have to find wifi start from 0 , example 07BC1A. make the password & u have to cut the 0 & + 1FFB0 on the back of the wifi name.

3.& that's it the wifi password is 7BC1A1FFB0.

cheers :),
atif ousman

grammar o literature

ohh, harinie terasa nak bercerita

pasal bahasa inggeris,

sebab dua tiga menjak nie, kerap jugak 

duk post entry dlm english,

bukan gua nak berlagak english gua bagus,
tapi senang nak express ape2 kalu dlm bahasa inggeris nie
tak macam dalam bahasa melayu.
bukannya aku tak patriotik sebab duk post entry dlm english,
tak cintakan bahasa sendiri cuma rasa nak express
and cerita yang nak disampaikan tu mcm senang 
lagi kalu tulis pakai bahasa inggeris neh.

"guys! i'm sweating!"

kalu dalam bahasa melayunya,

"rakan-rakan, saya berpeluh!"

tak ke pelik bunyinynya? skema pun ada!
cuba korang try yang nie plak,

" I screwed up!"

" Saya skrew atas"

pelik kut. bunyinya.
hahaha, takpe2 lupakan pasal tu.
sini ade satu story nak share sebenarnya.
pasal english gua yang time tu, ya rabbi...
sebab bile ditengok english gua dari kecik sampai besar
banyak perubahan, itu yang gua nak share crite menarik.

dulu, perasaan nak english tu power ade, membuak-buak
kut bile tgk mak sedara gua dkat rumah dok mendengar
lagu westlife, lagu backstreet boys,
duk mendendangkan uptown girl dalam bilik,
sronok bile tgk mak sedara gua duk menyanyi dlm bilik,
maklum lah dulu mak
sedara duduk dgn gua
tapi gua duk sorang2 kat luar main susun askar hijau.

pastu ada satu haritu mama aku bawak balik buku kampung boy,
pergh, punyalah aku nak bacakan,
sebab asyik duk tgk si mat tu dalam
astro ria jea, ye lah, time tu, umah aku takde astro mcm skrg,
time tu umah aku pakai antena tudung periuk tu jea

ye ah, nak beli booster pun family gua tak mampu
banyak pakai duit,
si mama pulak bekerja di bank sepenuh masa,
dgn si abah kerja gas malaysia,
jadi tinggal lah aq , adikku dan bibik di rumah
so, perbelanjaan kami, mmg cukup2 untuk makan dan pergi sekolah.
so, perasaan aku nak belajar bahasa inggeris tu mmg mebuak2 lah
kan, sebab si mat dalam kampung boy tu pulak,
kartun favoirite aku

tapi belek2 sekali bahasa inggeris lah pulak,
memang haram aku tgk gambar
je lah, cuma ada lah sekeping dua tuh,
paham lah jugak sebab ade tulisan
melayu skit2, yang lain2, hak tuiih mmg tgk2 je lah.

pastu kalu korang perasan cikgu2 yang mengajar
bahasa inggeris nie selalunya paling kiut miut,
dgn dressing pun x se skema cikgu2 lain dkat skolah,
dgn perangai dorang yang macam open,
tapi main thing is muka dorang yang kiut, comel manja tu
lah yang buat aku nak sangat rapat kenal dorang,
biar dorang sayang aku lebih2, eh eh,
time tu sekolah rendah, tak ada lagi hawa nafsu neh.
jgn pikir pelik2 ye

tak adalah sampai cenggini cikgu gua,
nie kalu cikgu mcm nie,
mmg english gua stop slang tade
dah mcm nie, stop mat salleh punya!

ha, mcm nie lah cikgu english gua,
best kan? sedap mata dilihat,
haha, tapi yang buat aku semangat nak
rapat dengan cikgu english nie,
sebab dia nie suka buat joke!
ya allah, muka nampak ada sedikit garang kan,
tapi sumpah crack cikgu nie, open kut,
mcm2 ha diceritanya,
tapi yang buat aku segan nak berdampingan dengan dia
is buatnya dia buat lawak dalam bahasa inggeris
dgn gua, haaaa, masak ah gua,
satu hal la pulak nak semak kamus, semak kamus satu keje,
nak mengarang nak sebut pun blum tentu btul.
silap aribulan,
itu yang boleh keluar struktur ayat tahap
cambridgre oxford tuh.

"teacher, you has been looking little beautiful today,
not like yesterday, what it is your secret?"

bukan boleh percaya sangat lidah
melayu gua nie.
pastu, kekadang gua geram jugak tengok
sesetengah dari membe2 yang
duk berdampingan dengan cikgu english gua yang cambest nie,
since gua tak dapat berdampingan dgn cikgu tu kan.
golongan2 nie yang suka baca CLEO, Mangga dalam kelas,
yang selalu kelihatan di kala rehat
di kantin, di library duk bertanyakan, bergelak, berjenaka
dengan cikgu english nie,
takpun, kalu ade aktiviti disebelah petang,
mereka2 nie boleh didapati di kfc, mcd ke pizza hut.
Kire tempat orang standard-standard la

gua? oh gua pun baca jea majalah CLEO nie,
haha, seronok kut dengan colourfulnya,
nak-nak part yang ada tunjuk horoscope tuh,
lepas baca, punyalah suka gua pergi tanya budak2
pompuan yang sekelas gua, sebab budak2 pompuan
jah yang macam tahu updated horoscope nie.

gua pun tanyalah

aku: "hey fatin, ko lahir bulan apa?"

 fatin: "januari"

aku: "ko aquarius eh horoskop ko?"

fatin: "oh, hebat ko, tahu horoskop apa aku!"

hoho~ kembang kempis hidung gua,
bermaksudnya gua nie up - to - date lahkan.
ye ah, darjah 1-2 dah tahu horoskop2 mat salleh nie.
gua skolah kat shah alam je pon.,
korang pernah dengan nama sekolah kebangsaan Alam Megah 2?
Alam Megah ya everybody,
tgk, sape pun tak tahu. nampak sangat sekolah gua skolah

ulu bandar, tapi gua tak kisah, sronok kut skolah nie.

sambung balik kisah gua baca CLEO tadi,
setiap page tuh gua selak dengan laju sekali
dengan sekali sekala tu menyelak rambut, dengan
silang kaki gaya mat salleeh! hoo, style!
confidence level, toksah cakap ha, gua tarik paras tinggi laut,
padahal bukan baca sangat pun, setakat
tgk gambar terdedah sana terdedah sini,
pastu nak menampakkan yang gua nie
memahami magazine english tu sekali sekala
gua sebutlah

"hey! nice boobies! bitch!"

patu agak2 ade joke ke ape ke
gua ketawa tone dia lain sikit bile baca CLEO nie.


kawan2 yang kat sekeliling takyah cakap ah,
nak tegur pun tak berani, takut gua mencarut bahasa inggeris,
yang stop bunyi,

"you shiface, dam dam!" (damn damn)

tapi pronounce tak btul kan.
bunyi mmg lari lah kan.


sekali, di satu pagi tu,
gua datang sekolah untuk ambik result UPSR,
pergh, time tuh tok sah cerita lah,
hati bergegar berdebar2 stop
mcm lembu korban nak kena sembelih,
dah lah first exam besar pernah aku ambik.
dah lah sorang2 aku pergi skolah, sambil2 tunggu hakimie dekat
depan pagar sekolah.
bile hakimie sampai jea, kitaorang terus jalan masuk dewan.

tiba-tiba, guru besar masuk dengan mukanya,
ho, happy bangat!
mcm berita dah baik,
sekali dia pun kasi lah ucapan yang selama
nie aku rasa, ucapan paling boring pernah aku dengar
tapi haritu sepatah perkataan pun aku tak lupa.

"harinie, sekolah kita mencatat sejarah sekolah
yang paling ramai dapat keputusan 5A di daerah Hulu Langat"

"kita diumumkan sekolah terbaik peringkat negeri Selangor juga,
dengan memperolehi 73 orang calon mendapat 5A dalam UPSR"

ohh, gua? gua senyum panjang lebar lah mok cik pok cik
gua antara 73 orang tuh dah mesti, dengan
bangga diri kut, berdebar ape semua tuh terus hilang!

patu time cikgu kasi slip,
cikgu apetah aku dah tak ingat, dia tgk jea aku,
terus dia senyum lebar


aku mmg makin tak berdebar lah, dengan happynye
aku terus melangkah, nak ambik slip aku,

"tahniah atif, awak dapat 3A 2B, B Matematik dgn Sains!"

aku diam, pergh, bagai dipanah petir,bulan dan bintang,
terus senyap tanpa menyedari air mata
meleleh dalam kelopak mata, tak dapat nak diseka lagi.
perasaan rasa hiba, sedih sekali,
tak tahu nak cerita apakah dkat
abah, mak sedara, mamaku dirumah.

lepas kemas2 slip, barang2 aku, aku tumpang
hakimie naik kereta untuk balik rumah,
sepanjang balik aku diam jea,
tak bercakap dengan sapa2 pun dlm kereta,
sambil non-stop menangis, menangis sebab aku tak dapat 5A!
sampai dirumah, abah telefon,
dengan nada excited tanya keputusan aku,

abah: " abang dapat berapa UPSR ?"

aku: "dapat 3a 2b jea, b Matematik dgn Sains"

abah: " abang bt apa? main game bnyk sngt ke?"

tutttttt. terus dia letak telefon,
aku naik ke atas rumah, tgk mama, tgk mak sedara,
aku gumpal2 slip upsr tuh, baling dekat atas lantai,
masuk bilik nangis sampailah aku tertido.

syukurlah walaupun dpt 3A 2B,
atif ousman


politic , politic , polictic

keep pop up in my mind  everyday.

what is the best thing of talking about politics.
what is the benefits of talking about politics.

yeay i know the asnwer, 

the best thing when we talk about politics is 
making ourself  crazy

and the benefits is making ourself  be too foolish.

On my opinion ,

no politics & there's  freedom.

atif ousman

save the feeling 2nd.

I don't know whether i am in a state full of anger,frustration or maybe i am
just relieved? I know that i have been bitching about everything here and
made me sound like a sad person.To tell you the truth i am a happy person.
It's just that i don't write when i am happy.I savored the moments in
memory.Everyone need a way to channel their negative emotions and
thoughts,some prefer to eat,some prefer to cry,some may want to take a long drive
and some people like me like to express in this composition.As much as
i prefer that my thoughts are sacred within me rather than lashing it out in
public like this,it's kinda soothing and comforting to know that one or
maybe two people out there are willing to read and probably think
'Hey,i felt that way too'.

In every single phases of our life,we need to make decision.We make
decisions every single minute of our life.Whether it's good or
bad that depends.There are times when we need other people to
make decisions.Oh well technically they don't 100 percent.We might need
other people's opinions in certain things but in the end,WE ourselves make
our own decision. I don't think that i have any regrets about decisions that
i have made.Or maybe i am just to egoistic to admit it? There are couple
of times that i asked myself,'What was i thinking?', ' I think that was a
really bad decision'. But then come to think of it,if i put myself back in
the same situation,at that exact moment,that particular events,i wouldn't
change anything. Cause there's a reason why we made that choice
in the beginning.But being a normal human being ,we have that
certain incertitude every now and then.

For this past two years,i think i have grown a lot.I believe that i have
come to term with my own self.Meeting different people,different attitude,
different places has taught me wonders.One thing for sure that i learnt is
that nothing will stay the same.Not a single thing.If things were meant to
be yours,it will be even after you lost it a few times.My friend lost his car
once and found it back only to get stolen for the second time again in few
months time.Same goes as people.If some people are meant to play a role in
your life be it significant or not,they were there for a reason.If they
choose to leave,let it be.There's no show on this earth that will run 24/7.

atif ousman

my shoes

shoes with background of white light.
one of my favourite shoes.
but this shoe does not fit me anymore.


(Surah Al-Baqarah: 216)

orang selalu kisah bila aku broke their promises,
hurting them, tapi, dorang pernah kisah/pernah pikir when 
they are the first hurting me, break the promises at the first place?

atif ousman

playing beach football

playing beach football with my brother & cousin on 9.12.2011.
Atif Ousman 

this things remind me

when i see benson & hedges,
it recall the memories that used to had with my late tok-ki.
suddenly i missed him.

firstday blogging

hi , 

Today is my firstday blogging.

Enjoy following mine,

Currently typing an entry at such odd hour...slept for a while and then I just couldn’t sleep anymore. Guess I have a lot of things going through my head these days, influencing me mentally, emotionally and physically.

I feel like I’m going through some life crisis but I do not want to admit that I’m in it. I worried about my career path, my life and my future. Everything now seems so bleak. I guess I’m slowly learning the hard way of growing up. It’s kind of hard to get thru all these.

I guess some could tell that something’s up with me. But as usual,being the person that I am, I always try to hide it. I was never the serious one. I’m always taking things as it goes, always laughing and not botheredabout anything. But as you grow older, your responsibility grows bigger andyou have to start growing up. Guess it’s time for me to start step at a time and in hopes that I will have some guide to lead me the way.

At times I will sit in my own little world, wondering what the futureholds for me. But at this point now, all I see is just plain blur. The world is changing, people are changing, I’m not 12 anymore and I do know what responsibilities I have to bear.

I know I’m not perfect. Nobody is...I’m juggling all these things together while trying to hold myself together. I may look like I’m not taking things seriously or not able to sit down and think it thoroughly but I do...maybe it’s just the way howI take things that make people think I’m not being serious. I’m always willing to learn to become a better and more responsible person. I admit, I’m stubborn and naive and always reverting to my old self, butI can’t change overnight. I’m taking small baby steps to grow and learn..we never stop learning as we grow. There are always new things outthere that you do not dad once said to me, "I know my faultsand it’s hard for me to change, but I’m doing my best to change it and you have to bear with me. I know I’m not perfect, nobody is. If anyone is perfect, they would be a God.

"Hey, who said life was easy?"

atif ousman